2021/05Article list

When the Google Chrome developer tools warn you that “A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at …”

When the Google Chrome developer tools warn you that “A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at …”

  • Google Chrome

I will explain why A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at … appears in the developer tools of the Google Chrome browser and how to hide this notice.

Why is it still accessed from IE (Internet Explorer)? What should I do with a WordPress site?

Why is it still accessed from IE (Internet Explorer)? What should I do with a WordPress site?

  • WordPress

Isn’t it a browser that isn’t used even with IE (Internet Explorer)? Why are you accessing it? Is it necessary to support IE on the WordPress site? Introducing questions about IE and how to respond on the site.

How to soften a computer keyboard that is hard and difficult to type

How to soften a computer keyboard that is hard and difficult to type

  • PC

Here’s how to solve problems with keyboard key input, such as being unable to press a specific key after using it for a long time, or getting tired if you press it hard. This may save you from having to buy a new one for a while.

What to do if you are redirected to another site on Google Chrome

What to do if you are redirected to another site on Google Chrome

  • Google Chrome

I will introduce the solution that I did for free at no cost for the phenomenon that “Google Chrome redirects to another site without permission”.